About Us

Avenue of Flags Club Fundraising is a Nonprofit 501(c)(3) Organization that has a passion for displaying American Patriotism, supporting youth organizations, giving back to our nation's Veterans, and supporting community local businesses. Our organization's team members our veterans that have served in the military, are parents of youth members, are volunteer coaches, and are board members with different youth organizations. The importance of supporting our nation's Veterans, supporting the next generation, supporting community local businesses, and proudly displaying American Patriotism are pillars of our core values.

It is a fact, that almost every youth organization needs to fundraise in order to have the necessary capital to successfully operate and grow. We recognize there are all kinds of fundraising options available for youth organizations to choose from. Most fundraisers are a great deal of work and do not come close to raising the amount of money needed to reach your fundraising goals or desires. We fully understand that investing in our youth with major projects, facility improvements, newer and safer equipment, all cost a great deal of money and most fundraisers do not meet the end goal.

We would love the opportunity to partner with your youth organization and prove to you that we can help you finally raise the revenue needed to make the investments into your youth organization for your youth members that has long been desired. We have created the Avenue of Flags Club fundraising program that is designed to meet and exceed your fundraising goals, display patriotism throughout your local community, support local businesses, and give back to our nations Veterans. Your youth members will have the opportunity to work alongside local Veterans Organizations, learn flag etiquette and experience American Patriotism firsthand in your local communities, all while meeting and exceeding your fundraising goals.

Lets get started right away and create an Avenue of Flags Club in your community to raise money for your youth organization, proudly display American Patriotism in your neighborhoods, support local businesses, and give back to our Veterans. Contact us today to learn more about successfully launching your Avenue of Flags Club fundraising campaign that will provide a revenue source for your youth organization for years to come.

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~ Avenue of Flags Club Fundraising